Monday, November 19, 2012


I've got a handful of films left to review for my Sydney Pollack retrospective, but it's time for me to start thinking about what to do next (so I can load up my queue with the movies I'll need). And that's where you all come in. I know Pollack doesn't elicit the most excitement, but I've enjoyed watching, and writing about, his films. However, I want to turn it over to you, my dear readers, to decide which filmmaker I cover next. On the right side of the blog is a poll. You'll notice the selection of filmmakers varies greatly. So, you can either be nice to me and choose quality, or, if you want to see me go crazy, you can choose Michael Bay. I figured either way we would have a lot of fun with this next round of the retrospective. So go ahead and vote; I'll leave the poll up for a couple of weeks.


  1. I wasn't sure between Carpenter and Demme, but my recent discovery of Carpenter's early films made me flinch on his side.

    1. Thanks for voting, Michaël. I'm actually wondering if anyone will be mean and vote for Michael Bay. We'll see how things shake out.

  2. I cast my vote for Demme, but Carpenter would be an excellent subject as well.

    1. Thanks, Sam. I appreciate your vote. Thanks for not voting for Michael Bay! Haha. I put him on there as a joke, thinking that people would want to see me review his stuff out of morbid curiosity, but thankfully that hasn't been the case!

  3. I vote Bay, because I actually think there might be entertainment and a certain critical worth in disassembling his catalogue, and obviously also because I want to see you go insane. Failing that, Demme

    1. Thanks for voting, Rod. And I actually agree with you about's why I put him on there. And I just wanted to see who wanted to see me go crazy having to watch all three Transformers movies. Looks like Bay is starting to rack up a few votes here.
