Sunday, May 31, 2009

Counting Down the Zeroes 2002: Auto Focus

"Tell them sex is normal. I'm normal. People have these hang ups..."This is what Bob Crane, a shell of his popular self, explains to his ex-agent at the end of Paul Schrader's Auto Focus. He has to tell himself that because he's so dense he can't see that his obsession with sex doesn't mesh with his obsession with being liked; he fails to see the conflict. Paul Schrader is at his best when he's profiling characters who will do anything to be liked. These are usually men, and the characters...

My Top 10: 2001

Ibetolis of the brilliant Film for the Soul has added another fun feature to his massive "Counting Down the Zeroes" project. It's simple: just click the links above or go here to "My Top 10" on the man's blog and submit your top 10 list. It should be another fun thing to look back at in the archives. I'll post my list on here every time he wraps up another year on his site and remind you guys to head on over there and submit your lists. Since I didn't do this for 2000, I'll post that list at...

Saturday, May 30, 2009

DVD Review: Frailty

The children are sleeping soundly in their small Texas home when their father, a quiet loving man, comes into the room and turns on the light jarring them awake. He tells them he's just had a vision from God, and they are to exterminate demons using "magical weapons" (an ax named Otis). We are told this story through narration by one of the sons, Fenton (Matthew McConaughey in a rare role where he has his shirt on throughout), who walks into the local FBI branch and tells the director (Powers...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Revisiting 1999: The Forgotten Films --- Beyond the Mat (Barry W. Blaustein)

Finally the DVD...has arrived (I was doing The Rock while typing that...a little wrestling humor to start this much belated post).I might as well get this out right away: I love wrestling. I love it. I have an unabashed love for it. It's what I watch to decompress when I come home from work, or if I have time on a weekend night -- instead of watching bad sitcoms or reality TV, I watch professional wrestling. It's sport, it's spectacle, it's theater in its purest form. I've followed it since...

Monday, May 25, 2009

DVD Review: Dear Zachary: A Letter to His Son About His Father

Netflix didn't send my copy of Beyond the Mat on time (it was supposed to come Saturday), so with the USPS not moving today because of the holiday, I figured I'd dust off some notes I jotted down for a movie I watched a while ago.Kurt Kuenne's documentary Dear Zachary is love letter. Really that's no surprise as the film opens with Kurt narrating talking about how the subject of the film, his murdered friend Andrew, was the star of his home movies while they were growing up together. The film...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

DVD Review: Cemetery Man & Zombie Holocaust

Sunday night I decided to have myself an Italian zombie double feature: the first film, Cemetery Man, directed by Michele Soavi, is considered one of the best zombie films ever made; the other film, Zombie Holocaust, written by Fabrizio de Angelis, the creator of the seminal Italian zombie film Zombi 2, is notorious for, well I don't know if it's notorious for anything, but it's one of the few Italian zombie movies I've yet to see. My affinity for all things Italian horror, specifically Italian...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Revisiting 1999: The Forgotten Films --- Sunshine (István Szabó)

This is another edition to my posts that revisit 1999. The 'Forgotten Films' will be featured every Monday until I'm done with the list; then I'll be moving on the conclusion of this project, the best films of 1999. Last week I took a look at the forgotten, painful family drama The War Zone, directed by Tim Roth. This week it's István Szabó's saga Sunshine. Next week look for Beyond the Mat, a documentary about pro wrestling. If you liked this years The Wrestler, then you'll want to check this...